Microsoft Arrow launcher for Android released in private beta

Microsoft Arrow Launcher
Microsoft has started testing its upcoming Arrow launcher in private beta. It has three screens – People, Apps and Notes & Reminders. People screen shows recent and Frequent contacts, a dialer on the top and a menu to open contacts app. The Apps screen shows recent and frequent apps. The Notes & Reminders screen lets you add notes and add a reminder for them. All the screen have a row in the bottom for user-selected quick access apps.
Microsoft Arrow Launcher
The apps window also expands to show you more apps and recently dialed contacts. Pressing the menu button shows all your apps in alphabetical order and a search bar on the top lets you search for a particular app quickly. Several apps including Messaging, Contacts, Calendar have new icons, but you don’t have a icon pack yet. Settings currently has less features such as option to check for updates, change the wallpaper, which includes daily Bing wallpaper and also provide feedback about the launcher for improvements.
Since the launcher is in private beta, you can get it only by joining the private Arrow Launcher Beta community. But you can download the APK and side-load it manually on your Android smartphone. Hope there will be new features and customization before Microsoft starts a public beta.
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